Chance Encounter?

The Ahern Family and Raphael and Elle

The Ahern Family and Raphael and Elle

Had a neat thing happen a while back. Back in the summer, I ran into the Ahern family who were in Nicaragua visiting friends. They were missionaries here in Nicaragua not too many years ago. Tagging along were Raphael and Ellie, whom also came to visit family and friends. They were the first two children ever admitted into our re-nutrition center nearly a decade ago. Some time later they were adopted by a great family, also friends of the Aherns. It was amazing to see them standing before me: how the kids had grown, looking so good and speaking perfect English, thriving in school and all aspects of social life.

This chance, but God ordained, encounter had a profound effect on me. Although, I cannot effectively articulate everything the Lord did for me that day, He did show me clearly the fruit of our ministry through these children’s lives. He renewed my passion and vision for this ministry, and in particular, for the orphanage and re-nutrition center. All of our struggles and financial burdens faded into the background, as I was able to see Rapha and Elle and His great love for them.

Some people don’t get to see the fruit of their ministries in their lifetimes. I am so grateful to the Lord for doing that for me. Yes, that was all for me! God is faithful to never put more on us than we can bear. He has a way of parting the clouds and giving us clarity when we need it the most. As I write this, I’m praying for you today: those that need God to part the clouds and renew your vision and hope.